The Groom’s Vow

As songs rest on piano keys, 
And players withdrew their hands,
A hush found waltz about the breeze;
Silence danced among the bands. 
As awe found mouths to widen eyes, 
Blink took leave for glimpse to catch
Magic’s sight under azure skies, 
Summer welcomed the two to match.  

Procession passed, the two stood still, 
In ceremony of their vows, 
With words to share from hearts distill
And a deeper love to rouse. 
He to her, in a marvelled gaze, 
Strolled down paths of his affections, 
His mind, to her, a shrining maze
Filled with loving recollections.
In memories, he found a fair
Of the most perfect things to say, 
Of reasons for, to her, to swear
His love forever on this day. 
And when time came for him to speak,
He chanced a phrase and broke the lull, 
“From day by day, to week by week, 
I spent them all on words to mull” 

“Seeking words, a place to begin, 
Had me puzzled for countless hours
For she’s no short of art within, 
And her beauty’s that of powers.
For to mention her smile’s glisten, 
I must compare it to sun’s glow, 
And to ear, her voice to listen, 
Does swoon me with melodic flow.
Her dimpled grins, of beaming smirks, 
She’s the many without a blush. 
To find in beauty any quirks; 
I think she tempts her hair with brush?
What flawless gem in gilded wing
Could match the beauty of this jewel?
I would she wore a mirrored ring
To see herself as sees this fool. 
Her cheeks arose, her olive skin, 
Sepia’d locks, and golden hair, 
Her tickled nose and rounded chin, 
Are features found in love to stare.
I’ve pined for her for days on end, 
Wishing so much to see her face, 
Then closed my eyes in late night’s mend, 
And have her in my arm’s embrace. 
To have her now, I want her more,
A want to grow as time goes on,
If not at least to hear her snore, 
Then to hold her until the dawn. 

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